
相信住在大多伦多地区的许多人都有到皮尔逊国际机场(Toronto Pearson International Airport)接机的经历。由于机场大楼门前不允许停车太久(超过5分钟就会有警察出现警告快把车开走),而机场停车费又特别贵,所以许多人开车到达机场前,将车停在马上到达机场的道路两边,人坐在车里,等亲朋好友出关取了行李后,再开到机场大楼门前用几分钟时间接人。


同时,机场管理局鼓励市民尽可能使用机场提供的“free cell phone lots”免费的停车场,该停车场有两处(Lot 1 & Lot 2),可短时间停车(停车后,车内必须随时有人Vehicle must be attended at all times),共266个停车位(其中Lot 2有电动车的充电站)。

Vehicle must be attended at all times 停车后,车内必须随时有人


1、Cell Phone Lot 1 点击查看Google地图

Approaching from the west: Proceed eastward along Viscount Road. Turn left at Network Road, then right again at Network Road to enter Cell Phone Lot 1.

Approaching from the east: Proceed westward along Viscount Road. Turn right at Network Road, then right to Network Road to enter the Cell Phone Lot 1.

2、Cell Phone Lot 2 点击查看Google地图

Approaching from the west: Proceed eastward along Viscount Road. Turn left at Network Road, then right again at Network Road and follow signs to Cell Phone Lot 2.

Approaching from the east: Proceed westward along Viscount Road. Turn right at Network Road, then right to Network Road and follow signs to Cell Phone Lot 2.
